When Andrew and Kaylissa asked me if I would photograph the birth of their daughter, I eagerly said yes! The birth of a child is life-changing and I love to capture and tell these stories.

Lydia’s parents had many struggles along the way. Andrew had some health issues that should have kept him from having children, they suffered a miscarriage, and then while carrying Lydia, Kaylissa had some major difficulties with her pregnancy.  So, needless to say, her birth was a very joyous occasion!

I got a phone call early Friday morning from Andrew to let me know that Kaylissa was going to be admitted for delivery. I told him that I would come to the hospital when mom was dilated to 5cm. And the waiting began!

Saturday at midnight, Andrew called to say that they were going to do a C-section and that I should come up. But when I arrived at the hospital, they decided to break her water and wait it out. I hung out in the waiting room for a couple of hours but when I was told about her slow progression, I decided to go somewhere else to get some sleep.

When I woke up at 7:30, there was not much that had changed. Then at around 9:30, I received word that she progressed from 6cm to 9.5 cm.

After waiting nearly 48 hours,  I almost missed it! I got there just in time to capture her birth and some pretty amazing images.

It was a very long weekend for this precious family. But Lydia Grace arrived and she is strong, healthy, beautiful and very loved!

Congratulations, Kaylissa and Andrew! And thank you for allowing me to tell your story!

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